UPCC Board Meeting Minutes August 2009

Board of Directors Meeting held August 4th, 2009 at 2100 S. Monroe Street.

In Attendance: Pat Cashen – President, Tom Gonnella — Vice President, David Seymour — Co-Treasurer, Diana Helper — Parks & Open Space, Mary Myers – Sidewalks, Kathy Poppen – Communications, & Dana O’Connor — Membership. Also in Attendance: David Thorpe — Special Committee Zoning

April and June meeting minutes were read and approved.

May meeting minutes were unavailable at this time.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer – David discussed the current status of membership revenue(s). He also discussed how some costs have gone up over the year(s) and we have spent more than was projected for the July Parade. Membership dues seem to remain steady and that is helping with the extra costs.

Communications — Kathy was still interested to see if anyone had ideas/thoughts for the September newsletter. The currents ideas for topics are: zoning codes, demolitions, parks, development, and general minutes. She reminded everyone that she would like to have all written items turned in by August 28th. She will also send out a reminder on August 13th.

Parks & Open Space — Diana reminded everyone that the Prairie Park Fencing has been removed. She touched on a couple of topics that the INC will be meeting on and those topics are: refill dog waste dispenser stations with advertising on them, fee based festival sites within the parks, and general advertising in the parks. She also talked about the possibility of having trees donated and having them planted near the Butchel and University intersection where there is currently an open space.

Membership — Dana noted that in 2008 we had 88 due payers by August, and as of the meeting we had 123 due payers as of August of 2009. Dana made mention that they were a few due payers that exceed the suggested amount, and it was greatly appreciated. The July Parade was mentioned, and Dana should have their exact amount later as to the donations from the mom’s club refreshment sales for the new toy-bin.

Sidewalks — Mary informed everyone that the City of Denver has hired a new bike/pedestrian planner. It was also noted that riding your bikes on sidewalks was still illegal in Denver.

Special Committee Zoning Code Update — David Thorpe reiterated that he and his team of about 8 regulars are still working towards their goal to gain a perspective to the city in whole. He is hoping to create a gathering for the neighborhood and provide some commentary in the fall.

Pat — General Meeting dates were decided upon. October 7th 2009, February 3rd 2010, and May 5th 2010. These will be held at the University Park Elementary School. Traci Samaras — interim secretary will assist with setup. The next board meeting is scheduled for September 8th, 2009. It was also mentioned that the events chair is still empty. Pat is also meeting with the developers who are restructuring the SE corner of University and Evans.


Written by, Traci Samaras (Interim Secretary)