Board Meeting Minutes – August 2013

University Park Community Council Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 6th, 2013, 7pm

In attendance: Tony Herd – Harvard Gulch helper

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes (Traci Samaras)

June Meeting minutes to be approved by an upcoming email.

Updates from the President (Dana O’Connor)

Board Positions are still available, as well as the communications chair. Dana also plans to step down as President in the immediate future to take care of her family priorities. More to follow on the interim President as the by-laws are reviewed.640-864 dumps Kay Pryor is helping with the Band (The Humbuckers) in the park on August 17th. The co-sponsors are Glacier Ice Cream & Fido’s Day Out. The 4th of July was again a great turnout, and the board was well represented. 3 thoughts for next years 4th of July event was a first aid, lost and found, and a larger track for kids to ride. The Harvard Gulch Trail is currently on hold and Tony Hurd – neighbor & Jeff Shumaker – CEO of the greenway foundation have helped to put together a great document with status of things. They are really trying to rally everyone together to get the ideas pushed forward before the slated time of 2016. New banner and postcards with the new logo are ready to go. The October General Meeting ideas are in the works. 700-501 exam The 2400 Block Update

Treasurer Update (Ryan Zorn & June Morgan)

Purple pages advertising and dues are doing well and Ryan still trying to keep track on the Prairie Park donations.

Communications (Paula Smith)

September UPWords is in process and articles are due August 16th. The fun run and Mom’preneur Marketplace is on Sept 22. Phyllis, the area coordinator is out of town September 13 – 27, can we please get them to her by the 9th.

Again Paula announced that she is stepping down from the UPwords. Paula also would like to add an article to the UPWords about Mary Meyers and David Seymour.

Purple Pages (Janet Bardwell)

Purple Pages is going well, and seems to be on track for this year.

Safety (Steve Hick-Absent)

Break Ins, cameras, news coverage that can be seen on the most recent U-Park email.

Traffic & Transportation (James Bettinger)

Parking and pedestrian Safety Concerns on the 2400 block of Columbine (Jennifer and Diana have emailed about this). The INC meeting has also recognized that the sidewalk care is a citywide concern, and plan to address this is a Right-of Way Petition. The new DU external communication person is Will Jones. James will try to attend the 2nd Saturday of the month for the INC meetings.

Open Space and Parks (Diana Helper)

Prairie Park will meet with our new planner named Jeremy Keizer in the upcoming weeks to continue with plantings, weeds, etc. Jennifer Engleby is writing grants still in hopes to get funds to help make this park better. There are still coyote sightings, so Diana will report it to the city again. Good Neighbors meeting on the 28th of August.

Zoning (Pat)

The 2400 S University Development has still not applied for re-zoning at this time, however they have started meetings towards a future application. The results of the survey are in and being tallied. City and Planning cannot help in any way until an application has been submitted.

Fence at Clayton

Legacy and Historic Preservation (Rosemary Stoffel)

No updates

V.P. Update (Jennifer Schmidt)

No updates